Covid-19 Financial Strain – Protect Health and Protect Wealth
Hey Everybody! I am Dr. Amir Rashidian at Mid- Atlantic Chiropractic Center, and I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the crisis that we’re dealing with and what we’re going through.
Today, I was just talking to a business mentor of mine, and he said during economic downturns, and you know a lot of you have been affected by the stock market going down, or not being able to work, or being laid off, or being furloughed, or everything else because of this virus. And we’re all hurting it, and you know it concerns me that just a couple weeks into this crisis, we need to get help from the government financially, which tells me how many of us are living paycheck to paycheck.
And, so this business mentor of mine was kind of talking about the other businesses that he’s mentoring or coaching. He has done a bunch of business turnarounds, and he said you know the people who do okay during these times are people who’ve been saving, who’ve been saving cash. They put aside money a little each month, and then when there’s a rainy day like we’ve had many of recently, that helps them get through. So, I looked at him, and I said, you know what? The principles of health are the same as the principles of wealth. Because you look at this virus, who is it affecting the most? It’s the people who are not healthy, and it’s the people who are already having issues as if people already have a weaker immune system; it’s the people who are battling other illnesses as well, like- high blood pressure. And, so you go wait a minute! It looks like the people who are getting through this without symptoms, without problems, without major illness are the people who were healthy. Well, then if there’s something I’m going to learn about, this isn’t just the safe cash and be ready for another crisis but to save health. Save your health starting right now. Today, say how can I improve my immune system, and you never stop every day. You focus on your health, your children’s health, your family’s health, and invest in your future. So that if the next virus comes around and something else comes by, you’re going to be in the population that says you know what I’m not worried that because I’ve been taking care of my health. Every day you do your exercises, you eat the right foods, you think the right thoughts, you take care of your body physically, chemically, and emotionally. You are investing in your future, and you are preparing for the next battle, the next fight that’s gonna come around the corner and there will be another one, there always is. There have been others in the past; there will be more in the future.
It’s never been like this before guys but, this is a lesson. Let’s learn the lesson; let’s focus on getting help us do it together. Do you need help? Call me, call the office, let us know. I’ll send you a book, send you my book! It’s right here. I’ll send you a book, and I’ll tell you how to get healthy. And I’m not going to tell you what the book is called because I’m not trying to sell the book. I just want you to get healthy. So call us, let us know whatever you need. Let’s get healthy together; let’s prepare. Let’s make sure even our elderly, or our future elderly, our parents, or grandparents, let’s make sure they’re healthy too. So this kind of thing doesn’t affect them next time. Thanks for listening.